A pair of Ibeji, maybe from Effon Alaye, on square bases with the corners rounded off, long feet, the backbone is not marked, the genitalia are well emphasised, the pubic hair of the female ibeji is encarved, the chest of the male ibeji is substantial, the shoulders are broad and round and form together with the arms a long O, the neck is slightly curved forward, the nose has a broad tip and accentuated nostrils, the mouth is wide, straight, slightly open and the lips are well emphasised, the eyes are semicircular, bulging and bordered all around, with the upper lids protruding and highlighted, the forehead is high, broad and rounded off, there are three diagonal scarification marks on each cheek, both ibejis wear the same fila eleti aja, a dog-ears-cap, white pearl necklaces and colourful bracelets; a dark dyed patina with lighter rubbed off areas. Rarity grade: rare.
Lit.: Fausto Polo, Jean David, Catalogue of the Ibeji, 2001, no. 510, type A.
Fausto Polo, Enzyklopädie der Ibeji, 2008, no. 324-332.
Height: 31 cm / 31,5 cm
Weight: 200g / 210 g |
photo: tribalartforum.com/ identification no. DSC00146.jpg |