A fragmentary Bura Terracotta, Niger,
These richly ornamented terracotta receptacles were mostly recovered in a remarkable state of conservation. Carbon dating has established their creation between III and XI century A.D. Used as funeral offerings, they were found buried with their openings facing down and filled with the deceased's possessions, teeth, and a few key bones. This ritual shows the strong symbolic and indisputable belief of fruitfulness of life and death since after birth, rebirth would follow.... Berardo Collection
Almost all have damage. Many have native repairs and attempts at restoration. This does not show up on photographs, except for the frequently mismatched pairings of fragments. We cant´ say anything about the age without a TL-analysis.
500 - 600,- Euro
Height 54 cm
Weight: 5 kg
photo: tribalartforum.com/ identification no. DSC00521.jpg |