
A Bakota Reliquary Guardian statue, Gabon, a lozenge-shaped openwork body beneath a cylindrical neck supporting the large oval head with a triangular nose and circular eyes, above the face is a crescent projection, carved from heavy, hard wood and coated with strips of copper and hammered sheets of brass; fine aged patina, partly eroded, incl. stand.

Lit. Ingeborg Bolz: Zur Kunst in Gabon: Stilkritische Untersuchungen an Masken und Plastiken des Ogowe-Gebietes, 1964; Ethnologica: Beiträge zur Afrikanischen Kunst, Vol. 3, 1966, Louis Perrois, Kota, Milan, 2012, p. 95, pl. 14, and p. 147.


Height: 60 cm
Weight: 1,3 kg

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