A Bwaba plank mask, the round face with round eyes, protruding mouth and nose in the shape of a curved beak, the geometrical and sickle-shaped plate is decorated with high abstract linear and triangular patterns, set off over a rectangular part of the mask; fine age patina with black, white and reddish paintings, braided plaits of different lengths are attached to the round mask part.
Lit.: Christopher D. Roy and Thomas G.B. Wheelock: "The Land Of The Flying Masks, Art and Culture in Burkina Faso, The Thomas G.B. Wheelock Collection, 2006: plate 140) Prestel
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 4,2 kg
photo: wolfgang-jaenicke.com, for more information, please write us an e-mail with the identification number of the photo identification no. BBC13861.jpg |