
A small-scale aquarelle sketch by Irena Klonek, showcasing an abstract composition on a piece of paper from an old book. The unique canvas, with gothic font words subtly transpiring through the paint, adds an extra layer of character to the artwork.

The background of the sketch is mostly white, providing a clean and neutral base for the composition. The upper sides of the paper are painted in watery blues, creating a serene and fluid atmosphere. Touches of vermillon in the bottom section introduce warmth, in addition to olive green, yellows, andin teh right corner dark pink, which add a rich and varied color palette to the overall scene. In the middle of the composition, there is a striking horizontal dynamic of lines painted in yellow and orange. These bold elements add a sense of movement and energy to the sketch, breaking up the serene tones of the background. As the colors blend in the background, they create a harmonious mix, adding depth and complexity to the overall composition. The aquarelle technique allows for the colors to interact organically, giving the sketch a watercolor-like quality.

The use of an old book page as the canvas adds an intriguing texture and history to the piece. Irena Klonek's skillful application of aquarelle techniques brings life to this abstract composition, inviting viewers to appreciate the interplay of colors and the unique surface on which the artwork is presented.

The artwork is stuck on a thicker piece of paper.

Dimentions: 21 cm x 15 cm
photo:, for more information, please write us an e-mail with the identification number of the photo identification no. XBD120687.jpg

Irena Klonek studied art at Universität der Kunste Berlin.