
A sketch by Irena Klonek that explores the abstract depiction of a landscape, primarily focused on the left side of the paper. The scene unfolds with a dynamic composition of lines, suggesting elements of nature, perhaps a hill or a forest.

Thicker and darker lines dominate the sketch, forming the foundational features of the landscape. These bold strokes convey a sense of solidity and prominence, creating the main elements of the scene. The use of thicker lines may represent the outlines of hills or the trunks of trees, contributing to the overall structure of the composition. Interwoven with the thick lines are more delicate and thinner strokes. These finer lines add a layer of detail, suggesting subtler aspects of the landscape, such as foliage, smaller trees, or intricate textures. The combination of thick and thin lines creates a dynamic visual contrast, enhancing the depth and complexity of the abstract scene. Given the focus on the left side of the paper, the composition may evoke a sense of asymmetry, inviting viewers to engage with the sketch and imagine the continuation of the landscape beyond the depicted area.

Irena Klonek's skillful use of lines allows for the creation of a visually compelling abstract representation, leaving room for interpretation and inviting viewers to explore the intricate details and broader narrative within the landscape.

The sketch is stuck onto a thicker piece of paper for stability, we can see the left side has been ripped from a notebook

Dimensions: 17 cm x 25 cm

photo:, for more information, please write us an e-mail with the identification number of the photo identification no. XBD120732.jpg

Irena Klonek studied art at Universität der Kunste Berlin.