
A Mumuye sculpture with two heads, Nigeria, standing on zigzag shaped legs, a conical torso, the arms carved close to the body, one of the both arms a little bit uplifted, the two heads with high abstract fascial features, domed headdresses in form of prominent crests, blsachened patina.

From hundreds of examples of primitive art exhibited in the British Museum, Moore has selected and drawn many works that are now considered to be among the highest quality African and Oceanic art ... The sculptor's eye recognized this as early as the mid-1920s. Alan, G. Wilkonson, page 608 ff, Primitivism in 20th Century Art, Prestel, edit.William Rubin, third ed., 1996

British Museum, sketch book of Henry Moore, of the 1920th.

Lit.: Frank Herreman and Constantine Petridis: The Discovery of Mumuye Art. In: Frank Herreman: Mumuye: Sculpture from Nigeria. The Human Figure Reinvented, Milan 2016, p. 9 (8-13).


Height: 40 cm
Weight: 0,6 kg

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